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About us


There is an American expression by John F. Kennedy that says, « Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for your country ». And it is in this surge of patriotism and for a cause greater than any of us that this project was born, bringing a new vision and conception of real estate ownership.

Evolution realty Nigeria LTD understood that the fact that 95% of people belong to the branch of the unbanked and insolvent does not mean that they are really insolvent, but that in reality the opportunity has never been given to them to manage a loan at all.

With this in mind, we are prepared to no longer make credit an obstacle course, but rather to meet the needs in financing of citizens. We then gave ourselves the necessary means to manage exclusively and remotely installment payments and cash.

Our job today would be to obtain the necessary funds or guarantees to compensate for the lack of guarantees of some. In doing so, each “average” citizen (korope drivers, okada and keke riders, cleaning lady, taxi drivers, security guards, mechanics, cooks, butchers, or any other workers) will be able to access property (land, villas or apartments) on credit, without down payment and without guarantee.

We also aim to work within the framework of decentralization, decongestion of cities, and fiercely fight against rural exodus and poverty.

In sub Saharan Africa, a home = dignity

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